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So Long, Farewell: A testament to my darling friends who make it so hard to bid adieu to the land of

Hi hi. So for those of you who have come back for more, thank you! Much love! To any new visitor, welcome!


Didn’t buy the shirt but had to recognize this perfect display of my summer MO

So today is Thursday which means that by this time next week, I will probably be gallivanting around London with my USC group learning how to use the Tube with my Oyster card and discovering the wiles of Tesco (aka the UK Ralph’s, right?).

These past few days, I’ve been soaking up the last of my CA sun that I’ll probably see for a while (but don’t fret, I’m gearing up for the rain/slightly overcast skies with some nifty pairs of boots and a multitude of sweaters/coats/my first new pair of jeans in five years!).

Anyhow, in this post I’d like to address my sweet friends who came to my going-away party this past weekend and those who I’ve spent time with this summer (if you haven’t seen my Facebook album, it’s called Summer 2016 is LIT for a reason!).


In the spirit of the Dowager Sass Queen that is Maggie Smith’s character on Downton Abbey, I invited all my friends (at least those who were in town!) over for a final goodbye party featuring the precious American treasure that is Urth’s pumpkin pie and the aptly-


If you know me, you must be aware of my fixation with Urth’s finest delicacy

adorned cake courtesy of our darling Ralph’s (see below). For the record, whipped cream topping > buttercream every time. As for party details, my father fulfilled DJ duties, spinning the tunes of such British “invaders” as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones (of course), and David Bowie à la our decades-old CD player (unfortunately, our family is far behind the times of 2016 as far as household technology is concerned, so Spotify wasn’t an option).


It was so fun to see friends I’ve had forever and my high school friends mesh with my friends from college! Turns out you can mix friend groups, and it doesn’t turn into some awkward mess like in middle school!

Although no one swam (except for post-party fun), I had such a smashing good time and love you all dearly. For those who couldn’t come or who I won’t see before I leave or who came to the party and I will see before I leave, do know I love you and will be thinking of you! Call me (on Viber), beep me (as I get an alert from a new Facebook message), or text me if you want to reach me (in addition to Skype!)

Cheers, Tara xx
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