Oh my GOD I went to ADELE last night!!!! My dad worked a Stubhub miracle!!!! Honestly seeing one of if not THE greatest songstress of my generation who I love to bits perform live, breathe the same air as I, and make me laugh in between nailing every single one of her songs with her premier vocal prowess made for one of the BEST NIGHTS OF MY LIFE!!!!!

I really wish my blog could show videos (sorry, not paying) BUT I have PLENTY of pictures. I attended the concert with my dear Madre, and I am SO grateful we danced the night away together (we look like sisters, maybe cousins, right?). ANYWAY seeing Adele for me is like seeing The Rolling Stones for my parents, so when I put it that way, my parents clearly understood my devotion (as if they didn’t know already).
She started the show with “Hello,” obviously, and performed so many of my favorite songs off of 25 like “Water Under the Bridge” and “Send My Love (To Your New Lover),” and before she started that one, she prefaced it by saying something along the lines of how “there are some people in your life who exist who you just wish would NOT. This song is about those people.” LOL so spot-on. Also before her more upbeat songs like “Rumour Has It,” she joked about how “after that, we can stop beating around the bush and just cry for nearly 2 hours” YES–even though I didn’t cry at all and happy-danced the entire performance not wanting to sit down for a second!
She wore the same gorgeous black, sequined dress the whole night (so glad she had the fan because that looked HOT!). She was so funny in between songs and super chatty (as she so proclaimed), and even though my mom would NOT stop saying how she couldn’t understand her (good thing I’m the one going to England and not she!), I kept laughing and admiring how hilarious she was and how she could still have the lung capacity to belt out all her songs!!! I mean, DANG that is SKILL!!!!!!!

Other songs included “Hometown Glory,” “Chasing Pavements,” “Don’t You Remember,” “A Million Years Ago,” “Make You Feel My Love,” “One and Only,” “Skyfall,” and “Sweetest Devotion.” For her encore songs, she came up to her protruding stage close to us YAYYYY and told the security guards to let us come up close (she is a QUEEN!), so you can bet I RAN! It was great! She sang “Someone Like You” and “Set Fire to the Rain” during which actual rain fell around her (as seen above, WHAT!). She then returned to the main sta
ge and sang “When We Were Young” and closed with WHAT ELSE but ROLLING IN THE DEEP!!!!!!!! It was so fun. This is me having a good time (if you couldn’t have already guessed).
Seeing Adele before I leave for London was the best possible send-off in the entire world. I love my parents. I love life. I love the amazing woman whose songs speak to me on all levels of crying over heartbreaks that seem like they will never end but eventually do and make you feel empowered and wiser and stronger and BETTER for it (I’m looking at you as well, Carole King! If you haven’t seen Beautiful: The Carole King Musical or at least listened to Tapestry, please do yourself a favor and do so. She’s awesome.).
At the end of the show right after “Rolling in the Deep,” confetti fell all around us and instead of just random Party City rainbow pieces of paper, they were lyrics from her songs like “it matters how this ends” and “regrets and mistakes they’re memories made” or simple farewell notes like “Thanks for coming” and “All my love, Adele.” ❤ Ugh, all MY love, Adele!!!!

When she sang “Hometown Glory,” she put up photos of LA (for us Californians) but also of her hometown of Tottenham in LONDON!!!! So, how could London be scary if Adele’s from there?! Hearing her songs gives me such comfort and makes me feel like I’m in a safe space, so I suppose if I ever feel a little lonely or homesick, putting on one of her albums could make me feel like I’m “at home again” and she’s saying “hello” to me, but from THAT side 😉

Happiest night of my life. All hail, Adele.
Cheers, Tara xx